Back to the Bug!

The Bug
Crossing wrenches
The Engine
The Engine
Working together
Working together

Back to the bug! The History

It has been a long time coming, but, we are finally getting back to the main project. Back to the bug! I hope that you enjoy the pictures. Several months ago, we found that the beetle engine was full of metal shavings. BUMMER! After some deliberation, we decided to buy a new engine and install it in the bug. Seeing as how this is an “Auto stick” beetle, so, we had to find a builder familiar with this technology. The reality is this transmission is a mix between a manual and an automatic. The history is a bit fascinating. We located a builder who would not only build the engine, but, he would ship it to us. This was a good thing because the builder is on the west coast. The new engine arrived and we loaded it onto the truck and took it to school.

Back to the bug! The accident

The new engine was well built, and, it was nice and shiny. Our little mechanic was excited and ready to do the install. The students pitched in and removed the old engine and they were well on the way to getting the beetle on the road. Boom there was a crash! A nice teen tragedy landed right on the new engine. A basic brake job left unfinished led to the destruction of our new custom built engine. The facility did the right thing and replaced the engine, and, we were back to bug once again.

The Blessing

Even though the beetle engine was replaced, we were now left trying to find a way to install the engine without benefit of the facility, the instructor, or any additional help from the students. During a karate class for my son, quite by chance, we ran into a wonderful blessing! One of his teachers happened to be a beetle restoration enthusiast.

Things left to do

We got the engine in. Our little mechanic also replaced the starter motor on her own. This makes 3 started motor posts on this one page. Whew! We still have to deal with the A.T.F. (Automatic Transmission Fluid) hydraulic hoses. Of course, there are not Volkswagen part numbers for these, and, they are not readily available for purchase. After some research, I was able to locate some detailed descriptions (no pictures), and, I was able to find a company that states they have hoses available that fit all of this type transmission. There are 3 hoses in total and I was able to locate and purchase 2 of the 3. Once the 3rd becomes available, we will be reconnecting and making more progress! Enjoy the read and the photos!