Another Starter

Well, we had another starter motor die on us. This time, it was on the Hyundai. The supply chain woes are affecting all of us. We had to wait 4 days for shipping. It was not helpful that this is a manual transmission and the manufacturer only had 1 in stock the whole country. Aftermarket parts are not always desirable, but in this case, we had little option.
Let’s get it started
We had an adventure with the motor mounted to the top side instead of the bottom. Me and my daughter made quick work of it. The biggest issue we had was the old one was pretty oily and slick. A little bit of soap and this was not terrible to deal with. Having a second set of smaller hands was extremely helpful. Of course the previous owner had used a new bolt on one of the sides, which made it slightly more difficult to get the threads started. I was also glad to not have to jack up the car and crawl around underneath.
Old cars
I noticed several things on this vehicle. We recently had the motor replaced by a smaller shop. I think they did a fine job. I can tell though that the savings appears in some of the little things. These are not critical to the running of the car. The air box was supposed to have 3 bolts. One of them rusted. so instead of fixing this, they left it out. Again, this not a big deal. Also, the bolt issue on the motor itself. The threads were slightly different, but not so much that prevented me from fixing the problem. When dealing with old cars, this stuff happens. We fought with the location of the mounting bolts a bit. The machines in charge of bolt locations did a great job hiding them. We did have to dismantle a couple bits and bobs to get through it. All in all, this was a pretty easy job. Have a great evening!